Thursday, June 17, 2010

Cats are way better than catcalls.

Man. Some girls get cat-called all the time when they are walknig down the street. I guess they are just super hot or something. I just don't get it.

Today, I was riding my bike to the library in the bike lane, thinking about videos I could make about my cats when this guy leans out of the passenger window of his cargo van and yells:

"You're slow!"

My quick-witted response to this was:

"WHAT? ... oh..."

Then they passed me again and kept yelling "WHAT?! ... WHAT?!"

At least they didn't tell me I was ugly. Though they basically implied it. Awww phooey!

PS: Doesn't this "girl" kind of look a little bit like me if I was a man? Pretty much.


  1. It's probably because they're walknig. I've never seen that done before, but if I did, I'd probably catcall them, too.

  2. Being self-deprecating is super HOT!!!

    I love your blog.

  3. What a SCRUB!

    Definition: a scrub is a guy who ain't get no love from me, sitting on the passenger side of his best friend's ride, tryin' to holler at me.
